
Level 1: From Everyday Language to Logic
TAKE THIS COURSE FOR FREE! This course takes you step-by-step through the most basic elements of logical analysis: your key to critical thinking mastery.

Level 2: Logical Properties & Logical Relationships
Learn how to construct truth-tables and use them to identify logical properties like necessary truth & contingency and to test for logical relationships like consistency & contradiction.

Level 3: Using Argument Forms To Test For Validity
Can't tell a modus ponens from a modus tollens? This course covers some of the most common valid and invalid argument forms and their uses in evaluating real-life arguments.

Level 4: Using Truth-Tables To Test For Validity
You've mastered the use of truth-tables to identify logical properties and relationships. Now use them to test arguments for validity.

What Our Students Have to Say
Learn Logic The Easy Way has been extremely useful to me as a student. As this is a completely new topic for me I struggled at the beginning but with the use of this website …I have become quite knowledgeable. The site’s fun way of using quizzes and gamification allows me to focus better and the videos included for each level are very useful. Overall this site is an excellent way to learn critical thinking skills.
LLTEW is a fun and engaging way of learning … LLTEW covers many topics and sub-topics, all of which strengthen your mind and help you think more critically.
Learn Logic The Easy Way is a fantastic platform that delivers content in an engaging and constructive manner. I would definitely recommend this learning resource to anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of logic. This is not just the easy way, it is the best way!
Learn Logic the Easy Way is a fantastic website for anyone who wishes to learn logic within a month. Definitely recommend to anyone who wants to learn logic in a fun and engaging way. This addicting website is perfect for anyone who wants to learn in their free time!